dimanche 23 août 2015

Theory of economic relativity

The equation : € = MC2 is significantly close to a famous equation. E=MC2 . It also implies that € = E therefore, a monetary system is nothing less than a measure of energy.

          Here is how to transform the energy in euro.

          Take for example 10 to buy a pitcher of lemonade and 15 glasses .

          Sit back and sell each glass of lemonade for 1.
          At the end of the process, your 10 becomes 15.

How did the 5 appear ?              You converted the energy of people in euro.

  • People to whom you sold lemonade were forced to have 1 with them. So they have previously worked for a salary (they provide energy for 1).
  • You might have two outlets to offer your glasses of lemonade and thus doubling the energy euro conversion process.
  • It is also possible to serve more quickly, so that in the same space-time, you can sell more lemonade. But there's a limit, you can not go faster than light.

What this equation allows us to understand :
  • It explains why we must work harder to buy a house than to buy a glass of lemonade .
  • It helps to understand that we pay taxes for some people who do not work, so they can also consume . They benefit from the others labor.
  • It also explains why every citizen is called a taxpayer.
  • It also explains why the State uses an indicator called : GDP ( Gross Domestic Product ) .
  • It also explains why in 2006, an Egyptian woman gave birth to a girl in a London- Boston flight. According to the Canadian television channel CTV, it would have obtained canadian citizenship ... under the pretext that, at the time of birth, the aircraft was flying over Canada.

This equation seems simple at first glance, but it's not so simple.  It explains why an entrepreneur (or a government) makes more people or robots work to convert the labor of each one into euro.

Also note that the countries where life expectancy is higher are rich countries.

If you believe that some people do not work hard and have lots of money and believe that this formula is false note, that it is possible that this person enjoys from someone else's work or legacy, therefore a first person who has worked and accumulated the money to give it to the next one.

I invite you to think about it and open the discussion.

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